Six sessions designed to help parents equip kids with character, compassion, problem solving skills and more!
Pastor Chris and his wife, Renee, will be offering Parenting the Love and Logic Way™ training course, for six weeks, beginning on Monday, February 14th at 6:00pm. The Parenting the Love and Logic Way™ curriculum was developed by Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., and Foster Cline, M.D., of the Love and Logic Institute, Inc., in Golden, Colorado. Pastor Chris is an independent facilitator of the Parenting the Love and Logic Way™ Curriculum. There is a $20 workbook that would be beneficial to own.
- Stay calm when kids do upsetting things.
- Help your kids learn from mistakes so they don’t repeat them.
- Set enforceable limits.
- Avoid enabling and begin empowering.
- Avoid un-winable power-struggles and arguments.
Where: Lakeside Family Church
When: Mondays at 6:30 PM
Leaders: Pastor Chris & Renee Peddie